Mandatory Health and Social Care Training
These mandatory training courses are designed to equip you with the skills and qualifications you need to support, develop and further your career, as well as improve your career prospects.
Care Certificate
Duration: Four Full Days
The Care Certificate is the start of the career journey and is only one element of the training and education that will make them ready to practice within their specific sector.
- Understand your role
- Your personal development
- Duty of care
- Equality and diversity
- Work in a person centred way
- Communication
- Privacy and dignity
- Fluids and nutrition
- Awareness of mental health, dementia and learning disabilities
- Safeguarding adults
- Safeguarding children
- Basic life support
- Health and safety
- Handling information
- Infection prevention and control
Safeguarding of Vunerable Adults
Duration: Half-Day
The module is relevant to those working with vulnerable adults. The topic areas explored include:
- History and social policy of safeguarding vulnerable adults
- Legal influences
- Classification of abuse
- Multi-agency collaboration
- Research and evidence
- Human trafficking, prostitution and asylum seekers
- Advocacy
- Mental health
- Disability
Communication and Record Keeping
Duration: Half-Day
Records in health and social care settings may be required as legal documents. This is just one reason why anyone completing or using records needs to know how to use them properly.
Whether for induction, vocational, refresher or management training, such as QCF or the Care Certificate, this is a thorough course in proper record keeping (written communication) training, the way you want it to be.
Duration: Half-Day
This course will improve your understanding of confidentiality, giving you the practical support and advice you need to ensure you are satisfying your confidentiality responsibilities. As a health or social care worker you have access to private and personal information about those in your care.
Do you know who has a legitimate need to know this information? Do you understand your legal duty to protect confidentiality? If not, this is the ideal course to expand and develop your knowledge, to ensure you are fulfilling your duty of care.
Duration: Half-Day
We have successfully made CoSHH training meaningful and interesting, injecting life into the subject so that your colleagues understand why it matters and importantly, how to work appropriately.
Succinctly and practically, the course addresses legislative needs and practical approaches, which makes the training effective. This makes it ideal for induction and vocational qualifications, for example, QCF and the Care Certificate.
Equality and Diversity
Duration: Half-Day
This course will help you understand fair and balanced approaches to delivering health or social care in ways that properly reflect diversity and equality. It is a practical, sensible, mature and understandable explanation of the issues and how to work with those issues on a day to day basis.
Diversity and equality training will help colleagues see diversity and equality in a fresh way that they should feel comfortable putting into practice. It’s the perfect resource for induction, refresher, management and vocational training, for example QCF and the Care Certificate.
Fire Safety Awareness
Duration: Half-Day
Fire Safety training for staff is a legal requirement in the UK under the regulatory reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. This course is ideal for all staff who need a basic understanding of fire safety, their legal responsibilities and how to use fire extinguishers.
Food Hygiene
Duration: Half-Day
By law, everyone who handles food, in any way, must have relevant food hygiene (food safety) training. This course is the most comprehensive health and social care specific food hygiene training course. It is legally compliant and promotes best practice, in order to keep people safe. Without doubt, if you’re a health or social care organisation, this is the online course you’re looking for.
Whether for induction, vocational, refresher or management training, such as QCF or the Care Certificate, this is a course you will find invaluable, plus, it’s ready to use, right now!
Health and Safety
Duration: Half-Day
This is legally compliant, health and social care specific health and safety training. We genuinely believe it beats any safety training you’ve experienced before.
Concise, comprehensive, clear, straightforward, easy to use and not boring (unlike some health and safety training you may have experienced!). As a result, it encourages health and social care workers to put the course into practice, improving the quality of your health or social care provision.
Whether for induction, vocational, refresher or management training, for example QCF and the Care Certificate, this is health and safety training you’ll really appreciate.
Infection Control
Duration: Half-Day
This is legally compliant, health and social care specific health and safety training. We genuinely believe it beats any safety training you’ve experienced before.
Concise, comprehensive, clear, straightforward, easy to use and not boring (unlike some health and safety training you may have experienced!). As a result, it encourages health and social care workers to put the course into practice, improving the quality of your health or social care provision.
Whether for induction, vocational, refresher or management training, for example QCF and the Care Certificate, this is health and safety training you’ll really appreciate.
Loss and Bereavement
Duration: Half-Day
If you are working with people who have recently suffered a loss, life histories can help them through the grieving process. Put a loved one’s life and death into a greater context. Find meaning through reminiscence therapy session. You can add these corner stones of any good service, to yours. The course is designed to provide those who attend the skills needed to conduct life histories lead reminiscence sessions.
By the end of the course those who attend will be able to:
- Facilitate life history sessions
- Facilitate a variety of group and one to one reminiscence sessions
- Conduct a practical assessment, evaluate sessions and reflect
Medication Awareness
Duration: Half-Day
A medication awareness course will take you through a number of different aspects of drugs and medication. Courses tend to be for people who are just getting into this field or those who are requiring a refresher course either by choice or as a compulsory measure. Modules on courses range from the dispensing methods and procedures, as well as medical record keeping and the proper disposal of expired medication, in line with legislation, of which you will also be taught on.
Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberties Awareness
Duration: Half-Day
Working properly with people who may lack what is known as, “mental capacity” is expected of health and social care providers, which requires training. This course makes mental capacity straightforward to understand and work with, in a legally compliant manner.
Thorough and informative, it is put across in plain language, which makes is easy to understand. Whether for induction, vocational, refresher or management training, for example QCF or the Care Certificate, this is a course you will find extremely useful.
Nutrition Awareness
Duration: Half-Day
Quality care provision means health and social care workers need to understand the vital importance of nutrition and diet in care provision. This comprehensive course promotes healthy eating as part of an individual’s wellbeing within health and social care situations.
Put across in an interesting and clear way, it is an easy to understand course and one that is enjoyable to put into practice. Whether for induction, vocational, refresher or management training, for example QCF and the Care Certificate, this is the online option for healthcare related nutrition and diet training.
Palliative Care
Duration: Half-Day
Topics covered on this module include:
- Management of pain and other distressing symptoms
- End of life tools/models
- Palliative care assessment process
- Multi-disciplinary team work
- Support mechanisms for patient’s families and carers
- Palliative care in specific environments
- The role of advanced care planning
People Moving and Handling
Duration: Half-Day
This course is probably the most straightforward training in health and social care related handling assessment you will have experienced, whether online or otherwise. It is fully compliant and specifically developed for health and social care settings.
Whether for induction, vocational, refresher or management training, such as QCF or the Care Certificate, this is top quality handling assessment training, put across in a way that makes it easily “doable”.
Administering Medication
Duration: Half-Day
We are delighted to be in the position of being able to offer you a very comprehensive medication administration training. Satisfying current standards, this course will help you get medication administration right, first time, every time. Put across logically, in bite size pieces, people understand it, learn from it and can put best medication practices into daily use.
Whether for induction, vocational, refresher or management training, for example QCF and the Care Certificate, this is medication administration training you will want to use time after time.
Person Centred Care
Duration: Half-Day
This course explains what person centred care is about and how to put that into practice. This course is easy to understand and straightforward to put into practice – exactly what you want training to be. It’s a refreshingly information-filled course with lots of practical guidance on day-to- day person-centred care in health and social care situations.
Whether for induction, vocational, refresher or management training, such as QCF or the Care Certificate, this is person centred care training you will want to use time after time
Risk Assessment
Duration: Half-Day
The course takes you, step by step, through the risk assessment process in a clear and logical manner. You will know how to spot, record, report and manage risks in order to prevent harm. Many possible risk areas are highlighted and explained making this a uniquely interesting and extremely useful training resource.
Whether for induction, vocational, refresher or management training, for example QCF and the Care Certificate, this is compliance training you will find extremely helpful.
Stress Awareness
Duration: Half-Day
This short course covers:
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Stroke Awareness
Duration: Half-Day
This short course covers:
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Ageing Process
Duration: Half-Day
This course is aimed at all staff working in the care environment who work with older people. A general
understanding of the ageing process will be established and attendees will gain under-pinning knowledge of the
following topics:
- Working with Older People
- Changing Needs of Individuals
- Understanding the Ageing Process
Wound Assessment Awareness
Duration: Half-Day
This course is for staff currently working within the health care sector. Candidates will benefit from having knowledge of wound assessment and an understanding of causes, stages, treatment and risk factors associated with a service user with a wound.
First Aid Awareness
Duration: Half-Day
All health and social care workers should be "first aid aware" (legally different to being a “first aider”).
This course is ideal for first aid awareness training, management awareness, first aider refreshing and vocational training such as QCF and the Care Certificate.
It is the perfect first aid awareness course for induction and, for that purpose, is compliant with current legislative requirements.
Communication Skills for LD staff
Duration: Half-Day
This module will provide a contemporary overview of the needs of people with a learning disability. We will briefly consider definitions, terms and prevalence and historical perspectives before exploring in more depth the changing picture of needs, models of care and the principles on which care is based.
A number of concepts introduced in this module will be returned to throughout the learning resource such as person centred approaches to care, inter-professional working and maximising opportunities for people with learning disabilities and complex needs.
Advocacy for Care staff
Duration: Half-Day
The aim of this unit is to support learners to develop practical skills and knowledge required to provide
Independent Advocacy as introduced within the Care Act 2014.
- Understand the purpose, the main provision and the principles of the Care Act 2014
- Understand legislation which affects the provision of independent advocacy under the Care Act 2014
- Understand the role of the advocate as required by the Care Act 2014
- Be able to provide independent advocacy support under the Care Act 2014
- Be able to raise concerns and challenge decisions made by the local authority as required by the Care Act 2014
Shreeji Training are your experts when it comes to Training, Diplomas and Short Courses. Begin working towards your dream career with us!
Shreeji Training
CEME Main Building
CEME Campus
Marsh Way
Rainham, Essex
RM13 8EU

Each individual has the right to lead a productive and further a happy life and with this vision in mind, Shreeji Training provides unparalleled support to individuals. One of the most crucial tenets that we follow is Positive Behaviour Support (PBS), which puts forth a constructive approach to individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder or any sort of learning disability. The objective is to equip caregivers with the ability to support an individual to lead a more peaceful life and in the process enhancing their quality of life.
What is Positive Behavioural Support (PBS)?
Essentially, PBS is viewed not as a tactic but rather as a holistic system in ensuring that the best possible communication methods are made available to people. There is also the possibility that the individual may behave in a certain manner when they are overwhelmed or frustrated, PBS shifts the focus on why the individual may be behaving in that manner and addresses it accordingly. Providing a personalised support plan as a solution ensures wider welfare and reduces further distress.
Significance of Person Centred Approach
Every person has distinctive needs, life experiences and preferences, the person centric approach which forms the basis of PBS ensures that each individual is treated with respect and has their goals aligned with them. Using this philosophy, we try to devise a support plan ensuring that it's the individual that is being safeguarded as opposed to the behaviour. At Shreeji we also take it further and ensure that support plans devised are socially significant.
How PBS Improves Quality of Life
By adopting the PBS approach, such individuals and their families may experience an improved quality of life. For example, with individualized support plans, women like Isabelle, Gillian, and Paul and individuals like Richard have been able to reduce distress, promote independence, and have more active participation in their society. At Shreeji Training, it is our aim to empower and enable the caregivers in achieving the same results and create an atmosphere where individuals can do well.
Key Components of PBS
- Evaluation and Comprehension
In PBS, as a start, an assessment of the individual to gauge their specific needs, their preferences, and what may cause them to be distressed, is conducted. The gathering of information in this aspect encompasses a wide range of people including family members and caregivers along with the targeted individuals.
2. Support Plan Formulation
An accompanied plan has to be developed for each individual, which is aimed towards the prevention of distress along with alternative behavioral skills. Such elements include assessment information and strategies such as proactive to prevent distress, skills to manoeuvre alternative behaviors and reactiveness to manage the matters whenever they arise.
3. Support Plan Execution and Evaluation
Once the support plan has been created and accepted, it is important that the changes proposed are carried out and the plan is regularly evaluated so as to determine if it is working or not. Routine review of the support plan guarantees that any changes that are made to it are in accordance with the individual's evolving traits.
4. Collaboration and Teamwork
We can offer the most help to other stakeholders such as caregivers, family members, professionals, and individuals. And for that, we can start at Shreeji Training as conducting teamwork is vital to getting the optimal results.
Curbing Distressed Behaviour
Restrained behaviours are one of the primary goals of PBS. Such behaviours could lead to distressing and often lead to practice such as restraint. Caregivers and professionals are trained to understand pulling such behaviours and restraining use appropriate intervention. To help achieve this, educators are also encouraged to limit interference due to such behaviours.
Eliminating Restraint as a Management Strategy
At Shreeji Training, there is zero tolerance for restraint as a management strategy. This is because restraint is only counterproductive. Initiation tries to manage restraint but is never an effective solution. PBS arms the caregivers with strategies that prevent the cares from needing restraining measures wherever possible.
Engaging Training at Shreeji
Providing the best possible care entails going through the right training and that is what we do at Shreeji. Trainers at our training center utilize several methods that include practical exercises, presentations, group discussions, and videos in order to ensure that students are not only well informed but also entertained in the training courses. Apart from passing on knowledge, we strive to ensure inspiration as well.
Reasons for Selecting Shreeji Training
- Trainers with Expertise that you can Rely on- Our trainers are equipped with the practical knowledge and experience in PBS which allows us to provide the best quality training. This allows them to provide you with research that is in order to ensure that your insights are up to date and relevant.
- Proper Understanding of the Subjects Taught Cohesive Modules- We understand that in order to implement such curriculums properly it is paramount to be properly educated. Therefore every single one of our courses tackles all methods so that the entire approach can be better understood. We take careful measures in ensuring that all of our students are in the best of liabilities.
- Learning Sessions which Involve Engaging Activities Hands On Experience on Learning- Practical application is truly the best way of education and therefore we aim to ensure through role playing methods and case studies that not only are our sessions engaging but also allow for hands on experience.
- An Ideal Setting for Learning- Shreeji attempts to create a supportive environment that encourages you to ask questions, share knowledge and become more self-assured of what you can do. Our trainers are friendly and are willing to support you during the learning process.
Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is an effective technique that is capable of changing the lives of people who have learning disability or an autism spectrum disorder. It is possible to change people’s quality of life and change the need for more restrictive practices by understanding the reason for their distressed behaviour and setting appropriate supportive strategies for each individual. At Shreeji Training that is our goal, and we work hand in hand with the caregivers teaching them the necessary information and skills to facilitate such changes. Together let us all work on enhanced care, for truly crying out for a change.
Do not forget that every initiative directed at these people results in one way or another in making the World a better place, and the World around is always ready to go with such initiatives. With Positive Behaviour Support, let us take that initiative.